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Themes Changelog Archive |
Previous changes in the site's history.
Not noticing any new changes? There is a chance that you are seeing an older version of my website!
You might try deleting your cache in your browser since it's saving a previous state of the website and you might not be able to fully experience the current
version. The easier way to solve this is to just hit Ctrl+F5 to force refresh the pages so you can see the newest uploaded version.
Last updated on: 2023-08-30
+ Added 'projects/receiving_images_from_weather_satellites.html'
+ Updated 'projects/index.html'
+ Updated 'themes.html'
+ Updated 'sitemap.html'
+ Updated 'index.html'
+ Added 'themes.html'
+ Fixed the width of pages on smaller screens
+ Updated 'archive/index.html'
+ Added a previous version of the website to the archive
+ Added the sidebar, with Featured, Links, About and Contents features
+ Updated 'index.html'
+ Updated 'sitemap.html'
+ Updated 'nextcloud.html'
+ Updated 'retrocorner.html'
+ Updated 'projects/index.html'
+ Updated 'projects/raspberry_pi_cloud_server.html'
+ Added changelog.html
+ New background and color palette on the default look
+ Renamed the theme 'defaultstyle.css' to 'defaultstyle_old.css'
+ New theme 'defaultstyle.css'
+ New domain name bingosnake.net now live
+ Created an archive and uploaded the previous version of the website
+ New folder 'archive'
+ Added 'archive/index.html'
+ Added 'archive/home.html'
+ Added 'archive/nextcloud.html'
+ Added 'archive/retrogep.html'
+ New folder 'projects'
+ Renamed 'projects.html' to 'index.html' and moved to the folder 'projects'
+ Moved 'raspberry_pi_cloud_server.html' to the folder 'projects'
+ Added 'forras/index.html'
+ New folder 'photo'
+ Added 'photo/index.html'
+ Added 404 page 'notfound.html'
+ New and reworked pages uploaded
+ Every other previously uploaded files deleted
+ Added index.html
+ Added 'nextcloud.html'
+ Added 'retrocorner.html'
+ Added 'projects.html'
+ Added 'sitemap.html'
+ Added 'raspberry_pi_cloud_server.html'
+ New theme 'defaultstyle.css'
+ New theme 'defaultstyle_dark'
+ New theme 'modern.css'
+ New theme 'commandline.css'
+ Selected theme now stored locally
+ Started reworking the whole website from ground up
+ First version of the website uploaded
+ Added 'index.html'
+ Added 'nextcloud.html'
+ Added 'retrógép.html'
+ Index of /retrogep now live
+ Added a testpage 'dobokocka.html'
+ Uploaded picture 'cica.jpg'
+ The domain bingocloud.duckdns.org now live
+ Cloud server operating
+ Index of /mappa now live
This website was created by BingoSnake - project bingosnake.net 2.0
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