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Welcome to...

BingoSnake's homepage

Home Nextcloud RetroCorner Photography Projects




Some information about my server project on which this website and my cloud service is running on.

Last updated on: 2023-07-13


BingoCloud is my self-hosted Nextcloud server running along with an Apache webserver on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B small single-board computer, with an external hard drive attached for the file storage.

Index of /mappa

The cloud itself is private, with login required, as it is mostly used by me and some of my friends. There is a shared folder that's made to be accessible by anyone without access to the cloud, working as a simple Apache download server page, anyone can view and download its contents.

Index of /retrogep

Since the cloud is not accessible from computers running 32-bit operating systems, the folder containing all the useful files, old games and software was made to be accessible through an Apache download server page.


This website was created by BingoSnake - project bingosnake.net 2.0

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