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An insight into some of the old computers I built.

Last updated on: 2023-07-13

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BingoSnake's homepage

Home Nextcloud RetroCorner Photography Projects Maps

Pentium II - Windows 98SE

"Racing Line 98"
retrocorner_rl98-01.jpg retrocorner_rl98-02.jpg
Part Model Released
Motherboard Intel SE440BX-2 1998
Processor Intel Pentium II 400MHz 1998
Video card Radeon 7000 32MB 2001
Memory 32MB SDRAM -
Sound card Sound Blaster Live! CT4830 1999
Hard drive
Optical drive
Floppy drive

Core 2 Duo - Windows XP

"SuperPower Platinum"
retrocorner_spxp-01.jpg retrocorner_spxp-02.jpg
Part Model Released
Motherboard MSI P35 Neo2 MS-7345 2007
Processor Intel Core2 Duo E8400 2008
Video card Nvidia GeForce GT 610 1GB 2012
Memory 4GB DDR2 1066MHz -
Sound card
Hard drive
Optical drive
Floppy drive

i5-750 - Windows Vista

"Raven Black"
retrocorner_rbvista-01.jpg retrocorner_rbvista-02.jpg
Part Model Released
Motherboard Intel DH55TC 2009
Processor Intel i5-750 2009
Video card Gigabyte GF 8500 GT 512MB 2007
Memory 4GB DDR3 1333MHz -
Sound card
Hard drive
Optical drive
Floppy drive

Index of /retrogep

Since the cloud is not accessible from computers running 32-bit operating systems, the folder containing all the useful files, old games and software was made to be accessible through an Apache download server page.





An insight into some of the old computers I built.

Last updated on: 2023-07-13
